Outlast 2 metacritic download
Outlast 2 metacritic download

outlast 2 metacritic download

It certainly was scary when it tried to be. I also felt like the game relied too much on using the night vision mode on the camera and that the sound detector was kind of worthless in most of the game.

outlast 2 metacritic download

The framerates would also randomly drop (and some play throughs it wouldn't, even in the exact same spot) which also gave me some difficulty playing. I often found myself getting stuck on a big pile of nothing and being killed in the process. Sometimes the controls felt off and I also found myself dying a lot because of the game and not my own inability to play. I love a good challenge in a game, but I want to feel more terrified while playing a horror game than I want to be challenged, and it seems like the game tried so hard to be the latter it sacrificed horror elements at times in the process. The game is certainly scary, at parts, but the trial-and-error gameplay style switches it from "scary" to "frustratingly annoying" real quick, and a few gameplay tweaks could have changed this. I have to say, where it it succeeds it excels and where it fails it fails badly. *SPOILERS AT THE END* I will give a warning before I start spoiling things. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.

Outlast 2 metacritic download